Tristan Gaylord's Copyright Policy
I am happy to give out my content to anyone who wants it, so long as they follow these rules:
You must send me an email detailing the content used, and where you used it.​​
If you are using my content in a YouTube video, please include the full MP4 or MOV file​ in the email, so that I can see where you used my content. Please provide the timestamps in the video to where you used my content, so that's it saves me the trouble of searching through the entire video.
Once I give you permission, you can use the content ONLY in that video or production. Using it anywhere else may result in a copyright strike, or other legal action.
Give credit where credit's due. In a nutshell, give credit to me for using my stuff.
Using my stuff without my permission is severely frowned upon, and you may have to face legal problems if you steal my work. Even worse if you don't give credit after stealing my work. (Clips count as reuploading my content, and will be taken down.)
And please, for everyone's sanity, don't ask for a specific Interactive Bullet Hell or video creation for Youtube. I'm just one introvert on the internet, but I'm not that big of a workaholic.
i like to r
"Social media is a wonderful thing. Social media is also a terrible thing. It can connect people around the world who would otherwise never be connected. It can also tear families apart." - Mike Pollock, Rules of Fan Engagement
Building off of that quote, social media is AMAZING. It allows us to connect to others from across the globe, with almost instantaneous response times. For example, you can talk about your favorite animals with someone halfway across the globe in real-time, or you can post videos about your dog doing cute stuff.
Social Media is also ADDICTIVE. In today's society, we're constantly using technology 24/7. While this seems cool, this does mean that we've become a bit too dependent on social media. We can say whatever we want on social media and almost have no repercussions if the content is deemed harmful to someone.
While people are skilled in tasks such as constructing houses, solving geometric equations, or curing various diseases, I focus more on the technical side of work. This means that I use computers to work on various projects given to me by other on, you guessed it, social media.
I like to keep my work at the greatest quality possible. This is so that I can showcase how much effort goes into each production, and potentially show future employers why I am qualified for a task. However, with social media, people have developed ways to steal another person's hard work without them knowing about it. Not only is this illegal, but the person who stole the work almost always gains a more active following than the person who created the content.
A rare example of the original artist getting support over stolen artwork was Meli Magali, whose artwork was stolen by Elon Musk, the multi-millionaire founder of Tesla and SpaceX. Musk had since removed the stolen artwork, but not before stating that no artists should be credited. (Source:Â https://www.businessinsider.com/elon-musk-twitter-argument-deleted-tweets-2019-6)Â The behavior of others can influence a general population. Just like how people will follow good behavior when shown by a role model, people will also follow bad behavior if the role model is showcasing poor judgement.
With this concern in mind, the increasing risk of a random person stealing my stuff and claiming either money or credit for it is a bit worrying. My primary fear is that if someone steals my work without permission, they will in turn benefit from this behavior due to the positive response, and continue to steal content.
obtaining permission
Now that we have this whole rant out of the way, here's how to avoid copyright claims when using my content.
1. Send me an email at tristan.gaylord7@gmail.com of your reaction, and I will determine if you have permission to upload the video for ONE TIME ONLY. The email must be in the following format:
Subject Line: Request for using [INSERT NAME OF MY VIDEO]
Your body paragraph should be as follows:
Hello, my name is [INSERT YOUR NAME]
I was wondering if I could use "[INSERT NAME OF MY VIDEO]" for my video about [INSERT BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF YOUR VIDEO].
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at [INSERT YOUR EMAIL HERE AND WHAT TIME WOULD BE BEST TO CONTACT YOU].
Sending me a link that contains inappropriate stuff (NSFW content, Hate Speech, viruses, etc) will be instantly turned down, and you will be denied from future usage of my content. You also cannot use my content for political advertising. While I appreciate the free publicity, I find it extremely uncomfortable to know that my content is being used for persuading a large group of people.
2. Make sure to use my content in a positive manner ONLY. This means don't use it for negative and depressing topics, but don't use my content for persuading someone about a topic. You are also not allowed to make changes to my content (the only exception is trimming the video to size.)
3. If I decide to approve your email, you are to use my content for that video ONLY. You are not allowed to use my content for another video, unless you send me another email. You also need to credit me when using my work, since if you don't give credit, that will count as stealing work and you may face legal problems.
types of videos
Interactive Bullet Hell Videos:
You don't need to send an email. However, the content you use is not to be modified in any way, such as making random edits, or cutting out the parts where you fail. It will immediately count as a loss, and your score will be invalidated.
Music Remixes:
Please credit the ORIGINAL SOURCES first, then THE REMIX that was used. (This format was selected because I want the original authors to gain publicity first, then me later.) As with the Interactive Bullet Hell disclaimer, you are not allowed to modify the remix at all, even if you had gotten permission for me to use it.
Original Songs:
Digital Dream: YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO USE ANY OF THE SONGS ON THE ALBUM, EVEN AFTER THE SONGS ARE MADE PUBLIC. These songs are for PRIVATE LISTENING USE ONLY, and any instance of using my songs for a YouTube video, commercial, or any other forms of media is strictly forbidden.
From The Moon To The Earth and Back: YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO USE ANY OF THE SONGS ON THE ALBUM, EVEN AFTER THE SONGS ARE MADE PUBLIC. These songs are for PRIVATE LISTENING USE ONLY, and any instance of using my songs for a YouTube video, commercial, or any other forms of media is strictly forbidden.
Alternate World: You are allowed to create covers with the song using the INSTRUMENTAL version only. You are NOT ALLOWED to reupload the songs on their own. You are NOT ALLOWED to upload the Piano Version of Alternate World, since it is exclusive to those who purchase the album itself.
Project: C4M37L1A: You are allowed to create your own lyrics with the song, however you must email me first for permission to use an instrumental version. YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO REUPLOAD THE SONG, EVEN AFTER THE SONG IS MADE PUBLIC. These songs are for PRIVATE LISTENING USE ONLY, and any instance of using my songs for a YouTube video, commercial, or any other forms of media is strictly forbidden.
Eternal Evolution: YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO REUPLOAD THE SONG, EVEN AFTER THE SONG IS MADE PUBLIC. These songs are for PRIVATE LISTENING USE ONLY, and any instance of using my songs for a YouTube video, commercial, or any other forms of media is strictly forbidden. YOU ARE ALSO NOT ALLOWED TO REUPLOAD THE MONTAGE CREATED WITH THE SONG, UNLESS APPROVED BY TRISTAN BEFOREHAND. Reuploading the montage without permission will result in a takedown.
Line Of Sight: This work is still in progress, as more variations of the song may be uploaded to Bandcamp in the future. Once the full Line Of Sight collection releases, you may create more variations of Line of Sight not already used, including (but not limited to) NES variations, jazz variations, cowbell variations, etc. All that I ask is that you please hold off on making variations until the full collection is completed. You are NOT ALLOWED to reupload any of the songs by themselves.
Retro Drive: You are allowed to use the song in your productions, although I ask that you please give credit when using my work.
Montages are created specifically for the purpose of either for fun or for an editing promotion. In that case, please email me at tristan.gaylord7@gmail.com for determining whether or not you may share the montage on your channel.
Any other video that does not fit into the above criteria must be cleared by me first by emailing me at tristan.gaylord7@gmail.com .
UPDATE (1/28/2021): You are not allowed to create clips of my works, since there is the potential threat of a user clipping a portion of my works and claiming it as their own. Clips also fall under re-uploading the video, even if it's only a small portion of said video, so therefore the clip may result in a takedown.
UPDATE (9/28/2021): You may create clips of the TristanLive channel, under the premise that:
- The clip must not be misleading in any format (as in using titles that are considered "clickbait")
- All content in the clip is explained fully, as missing information may confuse someone and ruin the image of Tristan G.
- Thumbnails must be appropriate and not fall under the category of "clickbait".
-The clip is not being used for monetary purposes.
By using my work with permission, you agree to follow the guidelines as mentioned above. Failing to abide by these rules will result in a takedown of your video immediately, and may result in legal action being taken to resolve the matter by force.
This policy was last updated on February 24th, 2022. This policy may be updated in the future, with proper notice given on the update.
If you have any other questions, please contact me at tristan.gaylord7@gmail.com